Family Advocacy

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Empowering families of varying architecture with the framework to self-determine

Services that advocate for your family

Developmentally Appropriate Parenting Plans

Families come in a variety of constellations in this modern world. The evolution of the “traditional” family configuration was led predominantly by an evolving social structure driven by labor and industry beginning with the Industrial Revolution, but this evolution of the Family has evolved no more dramatically than it has in the past 40 years. Since the 1970s, the rise of expressive individualism and the high demand for ease of divorce have made a host of sociological and economic problems in the United States and predominantly Western European nations, but these have also given access to more human rights and more freedoms, such as the right to marry any majority adult a person wishes and the ability to procreate or adopt in an array of choice. The Family went from a Public good, fulfilling economic and social roles vital to the community to becoming a largely Private affair, with all of the best and worst privacy has to offer, including autonomy and choice, and a dearth of social support and public policy supporting the private family. Our hollistic sociologic family advocacy perspective will help you solve day-to-day and long-lasting conflicts. 

In the interest of navigating the post-modern family, we offer Family Advocacy services in a holistic, wrap-around way. We are not attorneys, nor do we practice family, marriage, or individual mental health counseling. Instead, we offer a sociological approach to understanding differences, finding commonalities, and bridging lingual communication intersections where there is confusion. This can happen within the structure of the family, such as in marital, family, and parent-child mediation, and it can happen in the event that a couple decides to separate, divorce, or otherwise end their primary intimate relationship.

Need to talk?

We provide highly ethical service with integrity, recognizing the dignity and worth of each individual.

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Family Advocacy


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