Blog | Amy Baker Blog

Grace & Temperance
Why are Grace and Temperance the overarching themes, though? Because our minds and hearts and bodies can really only take so much stress, strife, and discontentment before our physical bodies say, “No more.” Because when we see life through the scarcity of what the self does not have, we fail to see our abundance and we fail to see the shared experiences of others….

I Believe
I believe in self-determination. I believe in personal sovereignty. I believe relationships and connection are the only things that ultimately matter on this plane. I

Mediating Couples Who Could Stay Together
One of the biggest reasons I do couples mediation is because I was looking for someone like me when I was going through a long

Couples’ Therapy Alternative
Most people think of mediation as a route for property disputes and the divorce alternative to the expense of lawyers and family law court, but
Need to talk?
We provide highly ethical service with integrity, recognizing the dignity and worth of each individual.